MSFS 2020 toolbar app for VATSIM


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VATSIM Radio (VSR) is a toolbar app for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 that allows you to check which ATC controllers are online when flying on the VATSIM Network. You can easily change to a frequency with a single click, or place a frequency on standby ready to change when requested to by ATC. The app also receives messages from the VATSIM network.

This app is not associated or endorsed by the VATSIM Network

Getting Started

Download the zip file containing the latest version and unzip the entire folder “vs-radio-toolbar” into your community folder. The server directory needs create, write and delete rights to the directory to create it’s working files.


Once you are happy that everything is installed, then launch MSFS and click on the VSR.EXE file in the server directory.

Server will wait for MSFS to start.


Once the flight is started click on the headset icon in the toolbar,


The app should load and get updated with your current position.


To test the app, click on the Unicom frequency 122.800 and your Comm1 radio should change to this frequency.

vPilot integration - Important requirement for messages from Vatsim network

The server integrates with vPilot using a plug-in DLL - this needs to be copied to the vPilot\plugins\ folder, if vPilot has been installed without changes then this can be found under

C:\Users[your username]\AppData\Local\vPilot\Plugins.

There is a batch file (install_message.bat) in the server directory that will automatically copy the DLL to the correct directory.

Stop and start vPilot, the reconnect to the network.

If the DLL is correctly installed then the vPilot started message will appear in the message panel in the app; the further message will appear once vPilot is connected to the VATSIM network.


If the messages do not appear then check that correct permissions are set for for the DLL (see below under Known issues)


The server directory contains a config.ini file; for most configurations this should be unchanged, however if you wish to add live TAF/METAR information then add a key obtained from https://www.checkwxapi.com/




Executing program

Known issues


• Some icons do not render correctly in MSFS; this is due to limitations in the MSFS internal browser. This due to the style sheets in the tabulator framework used for the tables; it is on the backlog to resolve (if possible).

• Window sizing is an issue with SU9 and currently (9th Aug) SU10, this also causes issues with scrollbars - The app uses a fixed size but the enclosing window size is not persistant, known ASOBO fault.


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Change log including beta releases

Version History

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